Join Us For A Liminal Space
Exploration and Integration
of Your Past, Present and Future Selves
Have the events of the past months and years changed you in ways that are hard to describe? Do you feel both overwhelmed and excited about what may lie ahead? Do you have a sense that there are ways for you to be giving and receiving in life that you haven’t fully tapped into? Are you experiencing a liminal space of already, but not quite yet?
Yep. Us too.
To continue moving in this ever intensifying world, we must keep building nervous system and emotional resilience, mental flexibility, connection to our inner knowing and surrender to the interconnected network of support to which we belong.
What if we accepted we are always walking backwards, with our current view of the past in front of us, the experience of the present inside of us and the unknowable future behind our backs, sensed, but not seen. From here we move forward, unsteadily and unsure, yes... but never alone.
Join Soul Oriented Somatics founder Vanessa VerLee, along with creativity midwife Catherine Madden and sacred space maker Julianne Kanzaki for a long weekend of embodied explorations of past, present and future versions of ourselves.
It will be a blissfully screen-free set of days, where we will co-create a safe, playful container to both disconnect and reconnect.... to shed outdated strategies and discover and strengthen new, more aligned and resourcing ways of being.
The weekend will include organic works of food art for every meal, guided meditations, creative explorations, ritual building and movement, dance, sound and breath practices to both settle your body and wake up your soul. There will also be large chunks of free time to follow your knows/nose, outside on the multiple decks, densely wooded 150 plus acres and/or the seven person hot tub for soaking under the sun or the stars.
Do your future self a favor and...
I've been working with Vanessa in her practice for several years now, and my experiences with her have always been so powerful that I immediately signed up when I saw she was offering a (Soul Oriented Living) retreat. What I got out of the weekend was exponentially more potent than anything I could have anticipated. I've attended many retreats of various sizes at this point, and I've never been part of a group of people where the EVERYONE was in complete synergy with everyone else. The house we stayed in was a beautiful facilitator for the profound connections we made over two days. Magnitudes of generational healing took places, an experience which none of us is likely to soon forget.
- Shannon Bolt, San Francisco, CA
Vanessa has been an invaluable teacher and role model of self-compassion for me these past few months. She has the unique ability to not only hold space for whatever you’re going through, but also to guide you through practices that unlock the stuck places. Her approach is gentle and grounded. She uses mind/body techniques to introduce you to parts of yourself that you may have never said hello to. She teaches that all parts of us are welcome, and that we all have the courage to meet ourselves fully, with great tenderness and appreciation. She has changed the relationship I have with my whole self, and in turn, with others and with the world. I can not recommend Vanessa highly enough.
-Jasmine Morano, San Francisco, CA
Vanessa is a powerhouse of a being. She's expressive, creative, kind, present and incredible at helping you find those same qualities within yourself. She's unwaveringly authentic, and through her extensive somatic knowledge and experience helps you meet yourself wherever you need to be met. She has helped me explore, love and integrate all parts of myself. She provides a safe sanctuary to release what is no longer needed, and to draw from the infinite resource of energy available to us at all times. Through our work together, I am reminded that anything is possible, that my body and mind are capable of mystical and spontaneous healing, and that I have all the resources I need right now, to thrive.
Vanessa is one of the most authentic, creative, colorful, dynamic, kind, wise, gentle and fierce beings I have encountered. I have discovered, transformed and expanded from our work together and highly recommend her work to anyone looking to do the same.
-Mara Waldhorn, Santa Cruz, CA

"The first time I heard about Vanessa was from my chiropractor. He told me that she was one of the best SRI practitioners in the country, if not the world. I said “I don't know what it is Vanessa does, but sign me up.” I was so surprised to be balling my eyes out within 5 minutes of meeting her, but I felt so much better when I left the office. A little over a year later, I said yes to her Soul Oriented Living Retreat. I took away so much from this retreat, but primarily it was the ability to see (life) with my own true eyes. The understanding that my wounding was the opening to the gifts I have been giving all along made my brain rearrange into a form much like the house we stayed in for the retreat, full of space and light and beauty, like a luxurious spaceship, taking us on a quantum leap. Deciding to join the group is one of my best choices ever and have allowed me to finally have the keys to that which I have searched for all my life."
-Lisa Gonzalez, Redwood City, CA
Upcoming Workshops
There are regular support circles, workshops, meditation groups and more
happening virtually in the Soul Oriented Patreon Community!