You Are the Gift the World Needs
Your Authentic Magic + Simple Somatic Tools =
Powerfully Whole Person Transformation For Yourself & Others
If you desire to...
Access awe, playfulness, magic & synchronicity regardless of circumstances
Learn how to translate your body's sensations into your soul’s deepest knowings
Instantaneously shift patterns of anxiety, self-criticism, doubt & defensiveness
Safely & powerfully guide individuals & groups through life-changing transformations
Turn your deepest wounds into your most powerful gifts & support others in doing the same
Confidently lead yourself & others through a wide range of simple & proven somatic & mindset techniques
Be immersed in a loving container with other ready souls who know they are being called to serve in much bigger ways
Create a fulfilling & abundant living by simply amplifying the magic of being YOU
Become a Soul Oriented Somatic Guide!
“Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world's deep need." Frederick Beuchner
Doing good is biochemically designed to make us feel good. What brings us alive will bring the world more alive... what heals us, heals others.
We are all called to, and rewarded by, service. But for many of us, service was tied to sacrifice and encouraged disconnection from our own needs. However, when we focus on what feels personally rewarding, lights us up, or even (dare we say?) feels selfish, we tap into and trust our own effortless way of being, naturally creating an overflow of energy for all around us.
Whether you are or want to be a healing professional or simply want to offer your gifts in a more joyful, embodied and meaningful way in whatever roles you inhabit ... SOS Guide training may be calling you!
The six month long training will support you in expressing yourself in more authentic, integrated ways and will teach you to create safe containers for healing.
We will learn through self-reflection tools, personal history excavation, future visioning, community wisdom and the transmission of a wide range of shockingly simple but powerful somatic techniques to optimize your brain and radically shift the way you experience life (and confidently guide others to do the same!)
2024 Soul Oriented Somatic
Guide (S.O.S.) Training
Starting in May, 2024
More details coming soon!
A Taste Of What To Expect In The Training...
FEEL BETTER, by being BETTER AT FEELING (i.e. increase you EQ to experience the full range of emotions as your allies!)
Learn quick, effective and embodied ways to CHANGE any HABIT sustainably
​Learn how to weave PLAYFULNESS & CREATIVITY into the most complicated and serious ISSUES the mind is stuck in
Get to know your INNER COUNCIL to co-create a more fulfilling, integrated life
BeFRIEND your BODY... and decode the wise messages STUCK within your cells
Learn more EFFECTIVE & CONNECTIVE ways to identify & communicate the needs of yourself and others, creating more IN-TO-ME-SEE
COMPOST doubt, shame and fear with CURIOSITY &. COMPASSION
Call on your ANCESTORS for support, LIBERATE lineage trauma and IGNITE your legacy
Fortify clear, loving & intimacy building BOUNDARIES
Learn powerful and simple marketing tools to ABUNDANTLY & AUTHENTICALLY share your gifts & skills professionally
Masterfully HACK your brain to deliver an EXTRA-ORDINARY experience of life
Learn about what your nervous system needs to be a SUSTAINABLE & SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur
UNDERSTAND energy states to RESOURCE more sustainable ways of of moving through life
CULTIVATE presence that lovingly MELTS DEFENSES
Learn extensive somatic tools to CONFIDENTLY & SHAMELESSLY be the whole, beautiful, radical CHANGE AGENT that you were designed to be!
2024 SOS Guide Schedule
Six Weekend Immersives Over Six Months
June 8/9 (online)
July 13/14 (online)
Aug 10/11 (online)
Sept 7/8 (online)
Oct 5/6 (online)
(10am - 4pm PST)
Nov 9/10 (in person retreat San Francisco Bay Area)
One hour each month of practice
SOS Guiding with fellow participants
Monthly prompts/practices in between weekend immersives